Careers & Job Opportunities

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To enquire about employment opportunities at Spatial Global Limited, please complete and send this simple form.

The form enables a CV to be uploaded.

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Spatial Global Employment Enquiry Form

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Press 'Browse...' or 'Choose File' to locate a CV file to upload, and then press the UPLOAD FILE button. When the file has uploaded and all the information is complete (including the Captchas anti-spam code below), press SEND.

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Spatial Global provides a range of roles for people with high levels of personal integrity

Thinking of joining us?

At Spatial Global we believe that people differentiate us from our competitors. So we provide a range of opportunities to develop and extend employees' experience and enhance their skills.

We value stable, long-term relationships, mutual respect and high standards of personal integrity. We operate as a strong, closely knit team, supported by senior management who have decades of high-level experience in the provision of freight forwarding, e-commerce, mail, fulfilment, warehousing, logistics and express parcels services. We work for world-class retailers, e-retailers, manufacturers, importers and exporters.

We want to recruit professional, responsible and capable people in the United Kingdom who can accurately read customers' requirements, create innovative solutions and ensure the highest possible quality support.

If you think you have these qualities, and you have freight forwarding, mailing house, warehousing, e-commerce, IT, logistics, courier or other relevant experience, as well as self-motivation and enthusiasm, then please use the form on the right to send in your application.

Your next career move may be just a click away!