FREE opportunity to get an insider view of Southampton Port with overnight hotel accommodation

If you import or export goods and want to see first-hand how one of the UK’s most efficient Ports manages the process – now’s your chance. Spatial Global have an exclusive opportunity to take guests on a guided tour around the port and its facilities.

Want to go on a guided port visit - Tuesday 5th June 2018?

It doesn’t matter whether you are an existing customer of Spatial Global or not – you just need to import or export goods. On the tour you’ll be able to witness port safety, security and efficiency procedures first-hand. The tour takes the journey of a container being exported from entering the port and being loaded onto a cargo ship. Then switches to give you the experience of the importing process, by tracking a container being unloaded and dispatched to its rail, road or sea onward journey.


The success of last year’s trip means places will go fast

The tour is a fascinating experience and one which provides a real insight into the challenges faced to get the products used every day without a second thought as to how they get to us. The port tour is in conjunction with DP World at Southampton on Tuesday 5th June 2018, starting at 10.00am and includes refreshments and lunch, finishing at 2.00pm.

Request your FREE Southampton Port Tour Here

Follow this link and complete the form and we’ll call you to discuss the forthcoming scheduled visits and see what works best for you. Places subject to availability, so please register now to avoid disappointment. The visit is designed to help importers and exporters understand what happens to their goods and it will inform them of the importance to CTU and the more stringent compliance requirements.  Priority will be given to importers and exporters using sea freight.





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