Environmentally Friendly Mail Fulfilment
22nd April 2019
Spatial Global is committed to reducing the impact of mail fulfilment upon the environment.
Mail Fulfilment need not cost the earth
Mail fulfilment is our passion, and we have strived to provide environmentally friendly solutions for our publishers. Spatial Global pioneered the use of potato starch packaging over a decade ago, in an attempt to reduce the use of plastics in mail packaging. But our commitment goes beyond packaging, it runs through our business and business processes.
So just how green can a Mail Fulfilment house be?
Spatial Global works hard towards being a greener company and we recycle paper, cardboard, and plastic shrink wrap wherever possible. We have also replaced machines, seeking out more energy efficient solutions, and we’re on a programme where conventional lighting is being upgraded and replaced with low energy LED bulbs. Our staff newsletter encourages our people to think about how we can do things better, become greener.
Taking the environment seriously
Whether it’s taking small steps within the business or recommending environmentally friendly mail options; from using only Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) paper which is sourced from sustainable forests or recycled; to having a range of packaging options including completely biodegradable mailing film made from potato starch – our people are committed to ensuring your mailing operations are as environmentally friendly as possible.