Evapo do their bit to aid public health during the crisis
21st September 2020
Smoking probably puts you at greater risk of coronavirus, not less. Recent studies suggest that one of the best steps people can take to protect themselves is to quit smoking - an Evapo have launched a #QuitForCovid campaign and www.todayistheday.co.uk website to support people wanting to quit.
Aiming to become the largest vape retailer
Initially purely an online vape shop, Evapo rapidly expanded, opening physical retail stores in the south of England. With over 35 stores in the UK, plus one in Gibraltar and increasing ecommerce sales, Evapo soon found they were managing 112,000 items and over 1000 product lines – and needed expert help. Spatial Global were able to provide a customised fulfillment and warehousing service, which includes managing their stock profiles and distributing the Evapo products. This includes their retail network stock replenishment in the UK and Gibraltar, plus fulfilling their ecommerce market, which continues to expand.
The #QuitForCovid campaign is offering support to those kicking the habit at this difficult time
Evidence accumulated since the beginning of the pandemic, combined with existing knowledge of viruses and the implications of
smoking, suggests that smokers who contract COVID-19 are at risk of greater disease severity.