BREXIT Transition Ends January 1st
4th November 2020
The clock is ticking - KEEP CALM but don’t just carry on!
There are new rules from January 1st, we all need to take action to prepare. You can act now and Spatial Global have created the BREXIT TRANSITION HUB to help you find out what you need to change if you import from or export to Europe.
Prepare for the worst hope for the best
The uncertainty of leaving the UK with or without a deal would have been unpredictable enough, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, it's gone to a whole new level. If you import or export to, from or through Europe, you need to review your processes & ensure you’re as informed as possible with all the latest developments.
Here's what's predicted for BREXIT Transition Ending
• 50 million customs transitions per annum rising to 300 million in 2021 - so bandwidth of system will be stretched to max. Are you aware of the new processes?
• Potential for upto 7000 road haulage vehicles being delayed at boarders for up to 2 days – Government warns that a general lack of preparedness & confusion in the first few weeks of 2021 could result in significant delays in Kent, stating a ‘Reasonable Worse Case Scenario’. There remain a number of new IT systems & processes still in test & which may not be operational until December. This of course could have an adverse impact on your customers supply chain opening up the possibility that they look elsewhere for supply within Europe.
The UK has simplified customs the EU has not!
The UK have a 3 stage (Soft landing) approach to customs but as yet the EU by in large has not introduced plans to implement similar easements for imports arriving from the UK. The Customs Simplified Freight Procedure EIDR (Entry into Declarants Records) or SFD (Simplified Frontier Declaration) means UK Importers could have up to six months to complete an import declaration allowing the possibility to defer the payment of any duties if applicable. They have also announced a VAT deferral mechanism effectively removing the requirement for UK VAT registered companies able to evidence good HMRC compliance records to pay import taxes on arrival and allowing VAT to be accounted through usual quarterly returns. Aside the above, more measures have also been put in place to help ensure your goods can arrive & be delivered with minimal disruption. The process for transporting goods between the UK & EU will change, you must check what export licenses, certificates & other processes may affect you.
Brexit Transition Hub - keeping you informed
The 'Brexit Transition Hub' is designed to help businesses navigate the flow of information being released by providing simple guidance and practical advice for all eventualities wherever possible. Plus provide access to one-to-one support to help answer any specific concerns related to importing or exporting.
Brexit Transition Hub includes:
- An Importer's Checklist for Brexit Transition
- An Exporter's Checklist for Brexit Transition
- VAT Deferral on Imports
- Common Transit Convention Explained
- New Commercial Invoice Template
- Customs Authorisation Template
- 2021 Post Brexit Trading Scenarios
And much, much more…
Need Advice?
We’re happy to provide it – just get in touch!
AEO certified & with years of experience in handling customs formalities, Spatial Global have the knowledge and expertise to assist clients in submitting export & import declarations. We access customs directly via our operating system, processing and transmitting numerous entries every day. Simply get in touch with us & we’ll help find the most appropriate solution to meet your specific requirements.
As an EU certified AEO customs operator in many European countries you don’t have to be a customs specialist yourself – leave it to us. Simply get in touch with us and we’ll handle your customs declarations in your own language and in due time.
Information published here is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief, at the time of publishing but we take no responsibility in the event of incorrect or misleading information. This service is provided free of charge and without liability or obligation.