High-end Magazines Subscriptions Soar
23rd November 2020
High-end magazines which allow you to indulge your interests continue grow their subscriptions as readers revert to the enjoyment of reading printed media.
Lockdown tripped a reset on how we live
The digital age has delivered many benefits but one downside has been the constant bombardment of information. Browsing through a high production printed magazine is an experience not to be rushed. It's tactile, physical and when coupled with a passion or interest a totally different experience to digesting the same information online. With magazine subscription sales of the higher end quality market once again on the increase, it feels people are once again enjoying the experience delivered by printed publications.
Magazine subscription as a gift is a possibility
Maybe one explanation for the increase in subscriptions in quality printed magazines is they are often the perfect gift for that 'difficult to buy for person' in your life. It's a great way of making sure you have a thoughtful gift, one in tune with the recipients passions, interests or hobby. With magazines often providing flexible subscriptions, and typically with discounts on the face value, it's a great way to solve the age old problem of 'what can I get you''