Preparing Your Ecommerce for Brexit in 2021

Brexit will change many things for many UK businesses – including those who sell online to EU customers and consumers.


Preparing ecommerce operations for a post-Brexit world

The circumstances regarding trade and customs between the UK and the EU are likely to remain fluid for a period after the 31st January 2021. However, the e-commerce company that is prepared is the one that will survive the storm regardless of the form it appears in.


Brexit will lead to more consumers shopping online

Online sales are increasing every year and this has been further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is quite likely that Brexit will also lead to more consumers shopping online. With the high street in trouble and the economy in recession, consumers will be looking for the competitive pricing offered by online retailers. Businesses both in the UK and abroad should take proactive steps to prepare ecommerce operations for a post-Brexit world. By preparing in advance, your company is less likely to be caught in a disadvantageous position and cede ground to your competitors.

  • Know your HS Codes
  • Update your ecommerce policies
  • Check on suppliers
  • Look to sell outside of the UK and EU.

The UK being outside of the EU will create complications for businesses and consumers alike. The scope of these complications is unclear whilst there is no trade agreement, but a negative outcome will clearly have an impact on online retailers.

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