A new era in UK manufacturing exports
22nd March 2021
2021 is set to be a historic year for many reasons, but with multiple government initiatives coupled with supporting organisations like MAKE UK, many British manufacturing businesses are looking to increase export sales.
Supporting export sales
Spatial Global is located in the Heart of the Midlands, birthplace of the first industrial revolution. It remains at the epicentre of British manufacturing today, as well as home to World leading companies in the hi-tech sectors such as aerospace. By 2021, Britain was projected to break into the top five industrial nations in the world if current growth trends continue, according to The Manufacturer. This is because the UK’s industrial sector had increased by and average of 1.4% a year since 1948, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
A global opportunity as UK manufacturing emerges from the pandemic
Make UK is working with multiple agencies to support UK manufacturing and help the sector respond, reset and reinvent itself post COVID. History repeatedly demonstrates that a strong industrial base provides the much needed foundations to create a prosperous community and exports build a nations wealth.
The UK manufacturing sector has undergone significant changes since the 18th centaury; from the first industrial revolution to the emergence of the fourth, the manufacturing sector has remained the UK’s economic engine and the worlds workshop.
Made UK – Responding, Resetting, and Reinventing Manufacturing Post COVID-19.
The ONS attributes the sustained UK manufacturing sectors sustained growth to a better quality; more skilled workforce; a shift in production from low to high productivity goods; improvements in automation and technology; increased investment in R&D, and a more integrated global economy.
Spatial Global are proud to support MAKE UK and the British manufacturing community it represents. Our role is to help UK manufacturers export goods cost effectively across the World. The business sectors we support are diverse and our ethos is in alignment with Make UK.
Mike Wallis Executive Chairman, Spatial Global.
The pandemic and supply-chain resilience
When the pandemic first struck, far from battening down the hatches, UK manufacturers stepped up to the plate. Up and down the country they supported the production of ventilators and supplied critical PPE products for our treasured health service. They switched operating procedures to comply with public health measures and kept production lines flowing to ensure that essential goods remained available to consumers.
However, the learnings from the pandemic are clear, complex international supply chains are significantly impacted when the chain is broken. This presents UK manufacturing businesses with several opportunities, from re-shoring to provide dual sourcing of key components plus providing an alternative source of supply as global manufacturers review their supply chains and seek to build in greater redundancy with more local ecosystems.
The pandemic has provided an opportunity to reconsider our approach to supply-chain resilience. If building agility can improve one aspect of a business’s functions, it can be this one. More specifically, it can improve functioning through five key supply-chain attributes. These include visibility, flexibility, optimising productivity and end-to-end connections by embracing technological advancements.
As UK manufacturers are incentivised to invest in new product development, expand into new overseas markets and digital technologies, plus reskill their workforce through support delivered from Government, then the UK manufacturing sector will be well positioned as a global competitor in 2021 and beyond.