Paper wrap the answer to greener magazine mailing

Many magazine subscribers want their favourite publications to prioritise eco-friendly practices – and paper wrap is looking like the best solution.


Choosing Between Paper Wrap and Polywrap for your magazine fulfilment

Growing environmental awareness is leading subscribers to demand more sustainable practices within print and fulfilment of their subscription magazines. As consumer, preferences increase the pressure towards eco-friendly options, publishers continue to seek out greener enclosures which protect the magazine throughout the mailing process. Paper wrap is fast becoming the solution of choice as it's 100% recyclable and more durable than poly and bio-wrap. It also presents advertising opportunities as there are multiple printed options possible and as any logos, sales message and images can be printed directly onto the outside of the mailing.


Paper Wrap v Polywrap

Overall, paper wrap can be an eco-friendlier choice for magazine mailing, but it's important to consider the specific needs of your publication and its distribution.

Sustainability: Paper is a renewable resource and generally considered more recyclable than plastic polywrap. This means less waste ends up in landfills.

Reduced Environmental Impact: Paper production typically uses less energy compared to plastic production.

Magazine Size and Weight: For larger magazines, paper wrap can be more cost-effective.

Shipping Distance and Conditions: Polywrap might be better for international shipping or areas with harsh weather.

Branding: Polywrap usually offers no opportunity for branding, however if showcasing the magazine cover is important, clear polywrap might be preferable.


A better opening experience

Many subscribers who have commented in the comparison between paper wrap to polywrap in terms of protection, durability and opening experience, and have expressed paper wrap works best. This feedback means subscribers are playing a significant role in pushing the magazine industry towards adopting paper wrap. Their increasing demand for sustainable practices, coupled with feedback on usability and support for eco-friendly options, is influencing publishers to offer paper wrap as a commercially viable alternative to traditional polywrap.

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